Live, Laugh, Love... ALWAYS

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Friendship can be really hard to come by.. I mean you can call anyone your friend.. but a true friend, a person you can rely on.. trust.. its like finding a mate. I have had a lot of friends.. many come, many come, a few stay. My most vauled friendships aren't with the people I've known very long.. but I trust them with my life. Some people find friendships for the wrong reasons.. So I've made a list of the friends to stay away from..

1. The envious friend.. It's okay to have a friend who wants good things for you.. that's what they are suppose to do, but when they want what you have at the expense of you.. is that someone you really want around?

2. The dependent friend.. Some people don't know how to stand on their own two feet.. be careful of that because although we all have our moments of weakness you can't be someone elses only support. Their problems become your problems, and your problems remain yours and you will become overwhelmed. Sometimes ripping the band aid is all you can do.. it will hurt in the beginning but all wounds do heal

3. The mindless friend.. We all have that one friend who doesn't have their own opinion on anything. They always agree even when they don't. This friend is lost and will eventually get annoying.. Confront them or leave them alone

4. The selfish friend..  They are your ONLY friend.. they don't care to meet anyone else you consider a "friend" this friendship will not make it far.

5. The childhood friend.. A lot of people hold on to relationships because of time.. but time doesn't make a relationship, a lot of people in fact tend to grow a part. I am not saying to get rid of this friend but don't feel obligated to them just because you grew up together.. Sometimes letting go is good..

6. The opposite sex friend who likes you... Three words... CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Especially when you have no intentions of moving forward with them and they don't let go of the fact that its possible.. This relationship can become dangerous not necessairly phyically but it can become an emotional drain on both parties and can cause conflicts in relationships any party may get into.. Tread lightly..

I can't call myself an expert but I have come acrossed lots of these friends.. I will be the first to say I honor friendship.. and those who I value as a friend will know because I will always go that extra mile.. But in any situation you don't want to give your all because there are some people who can't help but take advantage.. CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS WISELY!


1 comment:

  1. So true...that's why when you find that true friend, you hold on FOREVER & cherish it!
