Live, Laugh, Love... ALWAYS

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year.. Old Tears

I entered this year making no resolutions.. I don't see the point.. waiting til an end of a year to start a new one differently just makes no sense.. I decided this year I'll let go and let God... and I can say in these first 6 days of 2011 I am happy.. But I will admit I shed tears.. I cried a few nights ago.. not a lot but enough to have me thinking about how much I put in people.. I mean I have faith, a lot in certain people and I am a firm believer in "Love Conquers All".. but I have learned that some fights aren't meant to be won.. If you know me you know 2010 was a tough year for me. I cried almost everyday.. if your a fan of Twilight I was Bella when Edward left, I functioned more than she did I mean because I can never stop being a mother when all else fails.. But I broke, in so many pieces.. and although I know they haven't all been picked up, I know that a new image of me has been made from these pieces. I matured and learned to stand more on my own two feet.. to be a better me. But I still cried, cried because I'm this forgiving, loving person and for once I noticed that all of that made a path way for people to just take advantage of me.. I don't want to be less caring or forgiving, or loving, but I have hired a guard dog to protect my path! LOL.

I know that I have so many more tears to shed.. so I stocked up on Kleenex and I trust that all these hard times will make way for better tomorrows!

Just remember.. no matter how bad you have it.. someone has it worse and I know that's not something you want to hear when you down but let go of all the negative because all it does is weigh you down..


~*~ Love Always ~*~

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